Here’s all you need to know about the Associate Degree Program

Students often struggle with choosing what to do after they finish secondary school. Picking a suitable career option is intimidating for most, since it is considered a turning point in one’s life. Higher education somewhat sets the course of a person’s life and not knowing what to do can be quite stressful.

If a student is clear about the profession they want to go for, there’s always a pressure of getting into a good university or fulfilling the eligibility criteria of a particular program. As competition increases in the corporate world, it is getting harder and harder to find a profession that is not already overflowing with jobless candidates. On top of this, if, by any chance, a person does find a profession that looks promising from employment perspective, then there are years of education with expensive tuition to follow before they can even think about employment.

The option of undergraduate programs such as BA, B.Sc. and B.Com that offer 2-year degree has been around for quite some time but unfortunately, the majors these programs offered were extremely limited. Thankfully, things have changed for better in the recent years. Since HEC announced to phase out the BA/B.Sc./B.Com (2 years) degree programs, replacing it with the two-year Associate Degree Program, things have started to look up for undergraduate students.

An Associate Degree is a skill-oriented program, especially designed to prepare and qualify graduates for employment or to enable them to become successful entrepreneurs. The two-year degree program is equivalent to a Bachelor Degree i.e. 14 years of education. After completing the Associate Degree in two years, students are qualified to start working in their field and also have the option to pursue further education by completing a BS Program in just 2 years.

Based on their career interest, students can choose the best option from a range of extensive programs. Unlike the two-year BS, B.Sc. and B.Com programs, the Associate Degree has multiple options to choose from. When you look at the range of program offered in the Associate Degree, it is evident that the program is designed especially considering the current and future market needs.

The most attractive feature for students of this program seems to be the unique career options and variety of sought-after courses that are guaranteed to result in high-paying employment. Programs like Emerging Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security are part of the more recent development of information technology field in the country. Apart from this, the Associate Degree program also offers multiple unique options in other categories such as business and health sciences.

As the world is evolving and skill-based learning seems to be taking over, it was about time that programs like the Associate Degree were introduced so that students could adequately prepare and meet the changing demands of the corporate world.

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